
Paul Liano has been my dentist since 1991 and I have visited twice yearly ever since. The most ‘drastic’ treatment I have undergone during this time was the removal of a very small amalgam filling in my upper left six, replacing the metal with white composite. My teeth haven’t deteriorated at all since I was 18 and due to the excellent preventative dentistry and hygiene treatment it looks highly likely they shall remain so for some time to come. My husband could never fathom why I never ever needed any dental treatment. I recently encouraged him to change dentists after years of what I suspected to be ‘supervised neglect’ and inadequate care. When he saw Paul Liano and his team he was astonished at the difference, not only in quality of treatment but in the whole practice’s approach to dentistry generally. Although the initial investment was certainly more painful than the treatment, he now agrees that future of his smile now looks much brighter!